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    Become a member and pay monthly (£24.00 per year)
    • Access to an exclusive online community and forum
    • Monthly newsletter straight to your inbox
    • An exclusive 'Member' badge on our website
    • Invite a member-only Zoom meeting every six weeks
    • Voting rights at our Annual General Meeting
    • The ability to submit articles and opinion pieces
    • Quarterly behind-the-scenes updates
    • Member-only surveys to give your views
    • Direct input on our campaigns and plans
  • Best Value

    Pay Annually

    Every year
    Pay yearly for your membership and save £4.00 annually
    • Access to an exclusive online community and forum
    • Monthly newsletter straight to your inbox
    • An exclusive 'Member' badge on our website
    • Invite a member-only Zoom meeting every six weeks
    • Voting rights at our Annual General Meeting
    • The ability to submit articles and opinion pieces
    • Quarterly behind-the-scenes updates
    • Member-only surveys to give your views
    • Direct input on our campaigns and plans
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