Our community needs an unshakable advocate within the Labour Party. We are that voice.

On the 14th of July 2024, Pride in Labour was created by me in response to the rapidly developing debate around puberty blockers. But that wasn't all. I recognised that LGBTQIA+ people within the party have felt increasingly ignored for a long time, and something needed to change.
The debate around gender identity affects the entire LGBTQIA+ community, and it is important we recognise that to affect change, our community needs an unshakable advocate within the Labour Party, and so Pride in Labour was formed.
At the end of July, our first ever Executive Committee was formed, and it is an absolute honour to work alongside some remarkable people who will be instrumental in ensuring Pride in Labour becomes a fierce voice not only for the
LGBTQIA+ community, but also led by the LGBTQIA+ community.
In September, we had our first ever Labour Party Conference presence where we participated in a rally held by Labour for Trans Rights and we held a small social event on the Tuesday evening of Conference. In addition, we have also had an article written by LabourList which really helped get our message out there.
I wanted to take a moment to take a breath and thank everybody for their support over the last couple of months. I have received countless messages from people who are keen to support our movement, and it's heart-warming to know that our frustrations resonated with people to the extent that they have.
It has become clear that certain groups within our society have become more and more vocal and their aim to divide should never be met. When I see the anger and hatred in society, I remember the speech given by the late Jo Cox in which she said:
"We are far more united and have far more in common than that which divides us."
At a time like this, our community needs to unite and have their voices shouted loud and clear - not hidden away in fear of how it may appear in the high ranks of the Labour Party. Let me be blunt - the party has done remarkable things in the past, and has the potential to continue the legacies of the Equality Act and Gender Recognition Act, but LGBTQIA+ people need a strong voice because at present, not enough is being done to support the people who need most support.
Once again, I would like to thank everybody for their support. Pride in Labour is an organisation that will always be member-led, so please do click here to find out about becoming a member. We are so excited about our future, so thank you.